Sunday, August 5, 2012

Prescription Acne Treatments - Help for your Acne

Prescription acne treatments come in a variety of forms. Some are taken in pill form, some are injected and some are applied directly to the skin (topical). All of these require a doctor’s prescription. At least one appointment with a doctor or dermatologist will be necessary. There are dozens of different medications. For our purposes, we’ve broken the list down into the most commonly used prescription acne treatments.

Popular Prescription Acne Treatments

Isotretinoin- More commonly called “Accutane”, isotretinoin is among the oldest and most effective prescription acne treatments and is used for clearing up moderate to severe problems with acne. It can be used on cystic acne and other of the advanced forms. For the most part, it is safe, but it could trigger off some risks and side effects of which you should be aware. If you are pregnant, you should not take accutane. Research has shown that it can cause birth defects. 

Accutane is synthetic retinoid. It is very similar to Vitamin A and taken in the form of a pill. Because of this, it can be easily abused. Take it 1 - 2 times daily over a period of four to five months. Accutane reduces the production of oils, cleans out the pores and kills the bacterium that worsens acne. Some side effects may include: headache, diarrhea, excessively dry skin and more. Of course not everyone has the same reactions. This is why it is so crucial to see a qualified professional regularly while you are undergoing treatment.

Oral Antibiotics - Propionibacterium (bacterial) acnes require the use of antibiotics as part of treatment. You need to exercise caution when these prescription acne treatments. Following are the antibiotics that are used to treat propionibacterium acne :          
Ÿ  Tetracycline (derivatives: doxycycline and minocycline) - This works to reduce the inflammation of acne. The normal dose begins at 5 to 10 grams a day. This is reduced over the period of treatment. It can take several months for this to do its job. The major side effect is sensitivity to sunlight. You may also experience gastrointestinal issues.
Ÿ  Erythromycin is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It has been shown to treat propionibacterium acnes very effectively. Because it is an antibiotic, it too has side effects. The most common one being irritation in the gastrointestinal system.
Ÿ  Topical Treatments - There are topical antibiotics that can be used to kill Propionibacterium acne directly at the skin’s surface. These are more commonly used to treat milder cases. They may also be used for acne vulgaris. Your prescription acne treatment may include topical retinoids. These are the same as what you find over the counter, but in higher dosages. Adapalene is a retinoid that has been shown to be effective within a few months. It unclogs pores and kills bacteria. The side effect is dry, irritated skin. A natural retinoid, Tretinoin also has the same results and side effects.

If you have problems with acne that are not helped by OTC medications, see your dermatologist about prescription acne treatments.

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